Kid Sitters Canada Babysitters Training
Best taken as the second course (if completing both programs)
Ages 10-14 are welcome, ideally students are mature for their age (especially if under 11)
Focus is on keeping OTHERS safe while in your care and control
Prepares students for their first job babysitting when they are of sufficient age
Infants, toddlers and school age children – understanding the differences and care for each
Kitchen safety and making safe, healthy, age appropriate snacks
Fire safety, how to call 911 and use of an extinguisher
First Aid (for others), including choking and obstructions, rescue breathing and allergic reactions
How to prepare for your first job, interview skills and employer responsibilities
Students who are not old enough to babysit can still attend to learn and prepare, however, supervision will be required for any practice time with younger siblings or other children.