Fair Ambassador

Ancaster Fair Ambassador Competition

If you are between the ages of 18-25 (not married, with no children) and are interested in becoming the next Ancaster Fair Ambassador, please prepare the information below for the application. The Ambassador program will be part of the AAS Appreciation Night.

The Ambassador represents the Ancaster Agricultural Society at the OAAS Convention in February in Toronto, parades throughout the summer, at the CNE in Toronto in August, and other events held at the Ancaster Fair (dinners, luncheons, etc). The Ambassador also is a crucial member of the Society at the annual Fair, attending many of the events and presenting ribbons. Each year with the AAS is different, and we want to have the Ambassador involved in as much as possible that goes on at the Fairgrounds.

Introducing Rebekah Passow

Meet our 2024 Ancaster Fair Ambassador

“Hello and welcome to the 174th Ancaster Fair. My name is Rebekah Passow, and I am honoured to represent the Ancaster Agricultural Society as the 2024 Ancaster Fair Ambassador.

I have attended the Ancaster Fair as an exhibitor and visitor from a very young age, and my earliest memories were made at the fair’s former location. This year’s fair theme is “Rooted in Progress”. The world we live in is constantly changing, with some very major changes in the agriculture sector over the years. 

The fair has embraced this progress, while still preserving the agricultural roots that it was founded on. This past February I was able to attend the OAAS Convention, where I met other ambassadors and fair members from across Ontario who all share the same values of preserving our agricultural roots while moving forward.

Thank you to all the members and volunteers who work tirelessly to prepare the grounds for
our fair weekend, and keep it running smoothly. I encourage everyone to come to the fair and enjoy all that it has to offer, and I am looking forward to meeting new friends and making many new memories. Thank you.”

Rebekah Passow
2024 Ancaster Fair Ambassador

How to Apply 

Want to be the next Ancaster Agricultural Society Fair Ambassador?

Fill out the form below:

Submission Deadline

To be considered for the competition, the above information must be submitted by 4:00 pm on Friday, October 11.

After submission next steps:

  • You will be contacted early in the week of October 21 with a schedule for the night of the competition held the first Friday of November.

  • The night of the competition you will meet with the judges, answer an impromptu question, and present your speech to the fair membership in attendance. (Your speech title will be provided when you are contacted.)

  • Your speech should be a minimum of 3-5 minutes in length, unless stated otherwise by the committee.

Thank you for your interest in becoming the next Ancaster Fair Ambassador!